As you’re going through this process, it’s important to set goals from an entrepreneur's mindset and not from an employee's mindset. Let’s quickly break down some key differences.

As an employee, you:
  • Must set your goals in line with what the organization wants to achieve;
  • Stretch yourself a little bit but hopefully not too much, as that means more work, right?
  • Are at risk of receiving a low performance rating at the end of the year if goals are not met, which means you don't get that bonus or pay rise.
In other words, your goals are not about you, it’s about playing it safe and meeting someone else’s vision. But...

As an entrepreneur, you:
  • Have the freedom to create your own vision;
  • Set energizing and daring goals that excite and (somewhat) scare you;
  • Simply learn from the experiences and mistakes and move on, even if you miss your goals.
I’ve worked with so many entrepreneurs who set goals as if they’re still employees. Now is the time to STOP that and plan with your vision in mind.

Here is a quick look at my usual 3-step plan to set your 2023 goals:

1. Create a powerful 5-year vision.

You may be asking, “A 5-year vision? I’m just trying to plan out my next year!”

Most people overestimate what they can do in 1 year but underestimate what they can do in 5 years. Remember that each year should be working toward something greater! So take this opportunity, be honest with yourself, and define what you really want to achieve in 5 years. You can accomplish more than you think, so allow yourself to think beyond what is seemingly possible. You have to aim above the mark to actually hit it.

Make sure that after you write down your goals, you take the time to visualize them actually happening. You need to “see” what your goal will be like. This can be a great source of motivation and something to focus on when things really challenge you. When visualizing, be as detailed as possible so you can really experience it happening. Don’t just say something like “I imagine being successful.” Give yourself measurable outcomes. “By the end of 2023, I will have X-number of clients and be generating X-number of dollars in income, which will allow me to take my family on the vacation we’ve wanted for so long.” The more detailed your visualization, the greater the impact it will have on you moving forward.

2. Determine what needs to happen in the next 12 months (or in 2023).

You’ve sat down and planned out your incredible 5-year vision. And, wow, it’s amazing, but 5 years is a long time from now. How do you make sure you don’t veer off 3 years down the line? You need to break it down by setting smaller, yearly goals that will keep you on track. This is where you determine what needs to happen in 2023!

3. Decide what needs to be achieved in the next 90 days.

You have your vision, and you know what milestone you need to pass this year to stay on schedule. Now, you need to figure out how to reach your goal for 2023. One way is to divide your year into 4 quarters, 90 days each, and decide what needs to happen in each quarter. Beyond this you can even continue breaking it down to even what you need to accomplish each month and week!

About the author

Ali Moledina
Business Strategy Coach
Ali is a Business Strategy Coach specializing in helping professional service companies achieve measurable and sustainable growth. With a focus on enhancing productivity and scaling businesses to run effectively with less reliance on the owner, Ali provides actionable strategies for team management, operational excellence, and sales techniques.

Having transitioned from a corporate background to entrepreneurship, Ali understands the challenges and triumphs of running a business. He is committed to empowering business owners to navigate their challenges confidently and efficiently, fostering growth and success in their ventures

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